Russian Literature Thefts at European Libraries: Books stolen from Vilnius University Library at the address Universiteto str. 3. A person who presented himself as Mikhailo Zavadski has stolen 17 copies of books with historical and cultural value.
18 May 2023
- Law Enforcement Agency (if applicable): Second Division of Criminal Police Crimes Against Property Investigation Board
- Case Number (if applicable): 01-1-18185-23
The investigation was started because on 19.05.2023 at 13:15 it was noticed in the library of Vilnius University at the address Universiteto str. 3 that a person who identified himself as Mikhailo Zavadski had stolen 17 copies of books of historical and cultural value with the total value of EUR 439 563.04 by replacing 12 books with forgeries. No images of the books are available but samples of library stamps.
Description of Suspect (if applicable)Mikheil Zamtaradze born 1975-10-24 Georgian citizen.
For any further enquiries about the listed incident and its allocated missing items, please contact the ILAB Secretariat at
Missing Items

Published in 1840 - not only the first edition, but also published while the author was still alive. 114 pages, 1 illustrated sheet; 18 cm. VU library code: RC 114 Inventory number: 147631 There are two options - censored and not. Vilnius university library had an uncensored version. It is considered an extremely rare publication.
Identifying CharacteristicsВиленская Публичная БИБЛIОТЕКА and Виленская Публичная БИБЛIОТЕКА markings. ВИЛЕНСКАЯ ПУБЛИЧНАЯ БИБЛIОТЕКA stamp
Edition | |
Publication Date | 1840 |
Status | missing |
Publisher |

First publication, number of pages 192, book height 20 cm. Epigram in Latin on title page, separate phrases in French. VU library code: BAV 38.6.12 Inventory number: 477454 Publisher's cover: cardboard covered with gray paper with the title of the book; back and corners of red skin; on the back, gilded fillets, single ornamental impressions, molded with an inscribed number at the top.: R158; at the end of the text in the 19th century date recorded by the librarian: 26.VI.1833.
Identifying CharacteristicsStamp: I-ji Vilniaus Vyrų Gimnazija., BIBLIOTH[ECA] ACADEM[IAE] VILNENSIS., Individual marks: Ф[ундаментальная] Б[иблиотека] В[иленской] I-ой Г[имназии].
Edition | |
Publication Date | 1799-1837 |
Status | missing |
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Recovery Date | 24 February 2024 |

No item description provided.
Edition | |
Publication Date | 1833 |
Status | missing |
Publisher |

Герой нашего времени. Санктпетербург : в типографии
No item description provided.
Identifying CharacteristicsInventory number 185873 (1-2 parts in one book,no title page, 173+250 pages).
Edition | |
Publication Date | 1840 |
Status | missing |
Publisher |

Герой нашего времени
Inventory number 184830, (1-2 parts in one book), 174+250 pages.
Edition | |
Publication Date | 1845 |
Status | missing |
Publisher |

Inventory number 478523, part 1-3 (3 parts in one book), 41 pages., 47pages, 41 pages, ( 129 pages).
Edition | |
Publication Date | 1815 |
Status | missing |
Publisher |

Гоголь, Николай. Ревизор. Москва : в типографии Николая Степанова. Inventory number 187267, 230 pages.
Edition | |
Publication Date | 1841 |
Status | missing |
Publisher |

Борис Годунов
Санктпетербург: в типографии департамента народного просвещения. Inventory number 385781, 142 pages.
Identifying CharacteristicsUsually there should be Vilnius University Library’s stamp in each book on pages 1 and 17. Books might be sold in Russia.
Edition | |
Publication Date | 1831 |
Status | missing |
Publisher |

Cанктпетербург : в типографии Александра Смирдина, 1854. Inventory number 609287 part 2 (кн. 5-8), 187 pages, with illustrations. Usually there should be Vilnius University Library’s stamp in each book on pages 1 and 17.
Edition | |
Publication Date | 1854 |
Status | missing |
Publisher |

История Пугачёвского бунта
Inventory number 1 part. 544869, 287 pages. Inventory number 2 part 591045, 336 pages. The author (Pushkin) is indicated in the introductory article in the end. Usually there should be Vilnius University Library’s stamp in each book on pages 1 and 17.
Edition | |
Publication Date | 1834 |
Status | missing |
Publisher |

Путешествие капитана Биллингса и плавание капитана Галла Санктпетербург Морская Типография
Inventory number 186314, 191 pages, illustrations and 3 maps are in the book. Book call number A 14-1/25.
Edition | |
Publication Date | 1811 |
Status | missing |
Publisher |

Охота в Российи отд.-1, отд.-2, отд.-3, отд.-5.
Encyclopedic publication published 1871-1873 (parts 1-5 in one book). Inventory number 191518. Usually there should be Vilnius University Library’s stamp in each book on pages 1 and 17. Book call number A37-3/37.
Edition | |
Publication Date | 1873 |
Status | missing |
Publisher |

Коронованиэ императора Александра II
Inventory number 148398, 121 pages. The number 753904 is written in pencil on the title page, the bar code 00308353929 is stuck on the back of the book. Book call number D2-7/44
Edition | |
Publication Date | 1856 |
Status | missing |
Publisher |